Apply For A Job!

Want to apply for a job At Mazora?

You can!

Just fill out the form below:

Stardoll Username:
Age: (Optinal)
Position: (Model, Designer, Writer)
Example of your work: (Important! * )
Have you ever wokred with Magazines? If yes, What?:
Why do you want to be a part of Mazora?:

* We need an example of your work, To know if we should hire you. If you don't show us, and we hire you to model/Design/Write, you may not know how to do it!


  1. Name:Elizabeth Black
    Stardoll Username:jelizaveta123
    Age: (Optinal)13
    Position: (Model, Designer, Writer)model
    Example of your work: (Important! * )-I am miss Stardolll on this blog (FINAL)
    -I was a model for Color magazine
    -I am a model for Rage Magazine ( (change A to i))
    -I am a contestant in cycle 1 in club 100.Rare.Models
    -I am a contestant in cycle 6 in club SNTM.XX
    -I am a contestant in cycle 1 in club RENTM
    -I am a contestant in cycle 1 in club E.R.N.T.M.
    -I am in callbacks in club VanityModels
    -I am interviewed in magazinr "Our generation" (
    -I am elite model on blog "ELITE models" (
    write here your experience in modeling ;D
    Have you ever wokred with Magazines? If yes, What?:yes...I was a model for color and RAGE magazine ;D
    Why do you want to be a part of Mazora?:becouse my dream is to become a popular model,and this would be a great`s an amazing feeling when you see your doll in a magazine ;)

  2. Name: Jessica
    Stardoll Username: MsJessyLove
    Position: Model
    Example of your work: I am currently competing in the modeling competition Miss Stunning, I judge the esteemed Miss Top Model (Jr.) Competition, and I competed in the competition MSW Elites in the past.
    Have you ever worked with Magazines? If yes, What?: Nope.
    Why do you want to be a part of Mazora?: It is my dream to be a model. I Believe I can bring so much to Mazora Magazine, and this could be my big break as a model.

  3. Name:risa
    Stardoll Username: candy_blossom
    Age: 13
    Position: graphic designer
    Example of your work:
    Have you ever wokred with Magazines? If yes, What?: no i have not
    Why do you want to be a part of Mazora?: cause i think it wil help me gain experience with graphic designing and i would love to be a part of a stardoll project

  4. Name:
    Stardoll Username: dawnlissyloulou
    Age: (Optinal) 16
    Position: (Model, Designer, Writer) designer
    Example of your work: (Important! * )
    Have you ever wokred with Magazines? If yes, What?: yes my own but it is down for now
    Why do you want to be a part of Mazora?: i love designing magazine covers and people for it!! :)

  5. Name: Domii
    Stardoll Username: xxDemi84xx
    Position: Graphic designer
    Example of your work:uhhh I'll mail you on sd xD
    Have you ever wokred with Magazines? If yes, What?: Lisa's Fashion Depths its not published yet xD
    Why do you want to be a part of Mazora?:
    Because I want to work for a mag and i love graphic designing ;L

  6. jelizavtea123 - Lovely form. I will contact you on sd with further information.

    MsJessyLove - We have a lot of model's applying right now. I'm sorry but I'm not sure we can't accept you. The tiebreaking pont is the example and experience. If we need another model, I will ask you.

    candy_blossom - Beautiful Graphics! I will contact you on sd.

    dawnlissyloulou - I'm sorry but I need an example esspecially for designer. I can't hire you.

    Domii - Cover comment

  7. Name: Katiana
    Stardoll Username: chinadoll727
    Example of your work:I haven't written for anything stardoll wise but I have written for plenty in real life. If you need a sample article I've written please tell me.
    Have you ever worked with Magazines? If yes, What?: Yes but it was never published
    Why do you want to be a part of Mazora?: I think it would be an amazing opportunity and will give me a chance to grow as a writer.
